Clinically chest pain is the pain or discomfort in the area between our upper abdomen and neck. A tightness and stiffness in the chest are also the symptoms of chest pain. It is a common misconception among the people that chest pain is always an indication of heart attacks.
Preventing Diseases Heart
When there are excess deposits of fat, cholesterol or other substances in the inner wall of arteries, the arteries narrow and harden into a condition known as atherosclerosis, the most common cause of heart trouble. A planned diet and regular exercise are the key to prevent atherosclerosis.
Friendly and Unfriendly FATS
FAT should not exceed 30 per cent of your total calorie intake, which includes a maximum of 10 per cent saturated fat and 10 per cent mono-unsaturated fats. Saturated fatty acids in full-cream milk and red meat increase your cholesterol level. Use non-fat or low-fat milk and milk products instead of full-cream milk and avoid sources of saturated fatty acids like lard, butter, cream, palm oil, coconut oil, ghee and vanaspati.
Diet Low Cholesterol
Dietary cholesterol should be limited to 300 mg per day. Since it largely comes from animal products, consumption of non-vegetarian foods, whole milk and milk products should be restricted. For example, an egg has 250 gm of cholesterol and it is not advisable to take more than two to three eggs a week.
Take healthy alternatives like chicken, fish, beans, vegetable, fruits, bread, pulses, whole wheat flour, cereals, rice, millet, skimmed milk and skimmed milk products and vegetable oils like corn, sesame, soyabean, sunflower, canola, olive and mustard.
Heart disease is less frequent among those who eat high carbohydrate and fibre-rich foods. Carbohydrate and fibre-rich foods. Carbohydrates should provide at least 55 per cent of your daily calories. Foods like bread, chapattis, cereals, rice and dals provide an adequate amount of carbohydrates.
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