iPhone Lens Dial enhances your iPhone camera

Experimenting with you iPhone camera is always fun, and if you’re photo enthusiast, you’ve probably seen Belkin Live Action Camera Grip that we covered recently. However, if you’re looking for a different camera accessory for your iPhone, today we have something special for you.

iPhone Lens Dial is a iPhone case, but unlike other cases, this one comes with three different lenses that are mounted at the back of your phone. iPhone Lens Dial comes with three lenses: 0.7x wide angle, 0.33x fish-eye, and a 1.5x telephoto lens. Although the lenses can be removed and stored when they aren’t used, you can simply rotate the dial and switch between lenses with ease. We also have to mention that iPhone Lens Dial comes with aluminum case that will protect your phone, and as for the compatibility, this case is fully compatible with iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S.
iPhone Lens Dial is a great iPhone accessory that will really enhance your photos, but such accessory comes with a price, and iPhone Lens Dial is currently priced at $249.

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